Press Release: Universal Events’ Community Give Back During the Holidays

Press Release: Universal Events’ Community Give Back During the Holidays

PLEASANTON, CA – The leadership at Universal Events made a significant commitment to giving back to the community during the holiday season. Harmony H., the firm’s president, also highlighted some of the more surprising benefits of volunteering. Many organizations make giving back a part of their operations, particularly through financial contributions. Some, however, take the idea further and make a clear and deliberate decision to help those around them. Universal Events, a marketing and consulting services firm, is one of those. Harmony stated that her team would be regularly dedicating some of their time during the end of the year to helping local charities and non-profit organizations.

The firm has previously participated in a number of community events and frequently makes financial contributions. According to Harmony, the team regularly identifies causes that are meaningful to them. Then, as a group they decide which ones they want to support. In doing so, they aren’t just giving back – they are supporting causes in which they truly believe, she explained. From there, they either participate in an existing effort or contact the organization to see how they can help.

“Volunteerism is a central part of our values,” said Harmony. “We strive to make that meaningful for each team member by involving everyone in the decision-making process.”

Some team members have even taken on the idea of giving back outside of Universal Events’ efforts with personal efforts like giving blood, helping clothing drives, and participating in adopt-a-family programs. It is clear that Harmony’s efforts have succeeded at making a truly personal impact. Read the Full Press Release