Another Exciting Journey for Our High Achievers

There are many perks to being a part of our Universal Events team, and travel is one of the best. One month could find you on the road to a regional training event, while another could find you flying to a tropical retreat. We offer our team the chance to see the world while also building friendships with coworkers that will last a lifetime.
One of the upcoming trips is a client conference that takes place in the summer for top producers. This is an event for qualifying team members, which means every Universal Events associate is working hard to get an invitation. Leaders of offices have the chance to spend time with top industry influencers who work closely with D.A.R.E. America, and their team members will be learning more about D.A.R.E. America and what the future holds for our partnership with this admirable group.
Different workshops will be available throughout the conference to address a variety of needs.
This conference is an opportunity for Universal Events’ highest achievers to grow their professional networks with influencers from across the nation who are also supporters of D.A.R.E. America. The experience is sure to build their acumen and confidence, and we know they’ll bring their newfound knowledge and enthusiasm back to share with the rest of us.
Do you want to keep up with all the excitement? Visit our blog at