Our Fair Business Report Profile Page Is Ready

Our Universal Events values like reliability and customer satisfaction are evident in our efforts. These are standards that Fair Business Report looks for in the companies they list as well, which is why we’re pleased to be one of their verified firms.
Fair Business Report (FBR) has become a go-to resource for the public to review individual company practices and their overall cultures. As a verified company, Universal Events has a profile page on the FBR website. This page allows customers, team members, and others to rate our firm’s performance and comment on their experiences with us. Our profile also links to our company website and our news updates. To visit the profile: http://www.fairbusinessreport.org/company/universaleventsinc/profile.
We look forward to reviewing these comments and gathering the valuable input shared. We use feedback to enhance our Universal Events practices and processes.
In addition to the impartial evaluations of our firm, FBR recognizes companies whose standards align with their FBR Code of Business Ethics. We look forward to earning badges that represent our commitment to quality performance in various areas. FBR badges are awarded for customer service excellence, professional development, philanthropy, and more. The badges we attain will appear on our page, thus showcasing to the public that we’re a top place to work and do business.
We strive to create a positive environment for our team and the organizations we represent. Check out our Newswire for more updates on our FBR partnership.