How Do You Keep Your Team in Sync? Universal Events Offers Tips

Leading a team means that you are responsible for guiding it in the right direction. To make this happen, you are challenged with forming a group of people with independent thoughts, ideas and personalities into a cohesive team. At Universal Events, we have some ideas on how you can bring everyone onto the same page. First and foremost, listen. Everyone needs to be heard and understood. Each individual should be encouraged to offer ideas and suggestions, even if they don’t mesh with current thinking. This will enable you to evaluate all options before making a decision. In turn, you will gain trust from your associates. Once a decision has been reached, everyone needs to be committed to it. All members of the team must be held accountable to the plan. If they cannot commit to the undertaking, they should consider other roles in the organization. Dissent will lessen the chances of success. When everyone is in lockstep, there will be less chance for individual fiefdoms to develop. Everyone needs to be committed to the organization and its objectives. There is no space for individual egos or priorities. One way to avoid fragmentation is by keeping tactical and strategic discussions separate from each other. Once the business strategy is set, the goals and objectives need to be defined. Your team will look to you to set the right priorities. Everything cannot be urgent and important at the same time, or nothing will be accomplished. Communicating these preferences to the team will keep everyone focused on the end goal and avoid potential conflicts. As a leader, you are steering a large ship toward a great destination. You need all crew members to man the controls for a safe journey. You will arrive safely by allowing everyone to work to their potential while making sure they follow the correct course.