Look Forward to Your Daily Commute

Commutes are necessities for most people, so we’ve decided to appreciate our time spent on the road to and from work and use it productively. Here are some of our best Universal Events ideas for intelligent commuting:
• Podcasts: Whether you want to learn a new language, boost your self-esteem, or laugh hysterically, podcasts cover every topic imaginable. Visit podbay.fm or Mashable if you’d like some suggestions.
• Get Organized: That time spent going to and from work is excellent for prioritizing daily and weekly tasks, updating our Universal Events calendars, or simply getting our thoughts organized. This works for drivers as well as riders, especially with all the advances in voice-recognition software. Google’s Voice Calendar app is a good example.
• Exercise: Why ride if you can walk or run? Why drive when you can bike? With a bit of route planning and an extra pair of clothes, you could get in more exercise before work than most people do all day.
• Carpool: Not only is this better for the environment, but carpooling presents the opportunity to connect with contemporaries and coworkers on a level that could never be achieved in the office. If the conversation starts to slow down, we bring an audiobook with us that we can listen to on the way in and discuss on the way home.
Used wisely, commutes can be a productive part of your day.