The Universal Events, Inc Team Learns to Love Its Flaws

At Universal Events, Inc, we are by no means perfect. Quite frankly, no one in the world is. Despite this, many people spend all of their lives pursuing the unrealistic goal of perfection. This causes many problems, not the least of which is unhappiness and dissatisfaction. Another drawback to trying to be perfect is that it often hinders action. Realizing this, we focus on more realistic goals. One of the greatest realizations we’ve had to make is to identify how our weaknesses are also our strengths. Almost without variance, each person’s greatest flaw is closely linked to his or her favorite trait. For example, individuals with short tempers tend to be that way due to their passion. Examine what you consider to be your single most detrimental weakness. Then consider what you like most about yourself. Chances are these are linked. Accepting this is the first step to realizing that imperfection is not only normal– it’s actually beneficial. The next step to making peace with imperfection is to change your attitude about self-improvement. In the business world, we are often encouraged to learn and become better at what we do. As such, it is only natural to seek to overcome your weaknesses. This is not a healthy mindset. Instead, after realizing the link between your flaws and your strengths, seek ways to add to the positive parts and minimize the negative parts of those qualities. Letting go of the concept of perfection is important not only to your happiness, but also to your success. At Universal Events, Inc, we have learned to love our flaws in order to move forward and achieve more.