Tips to Help You Master Your Conversation Game

Our Universal Events mission is to get like-minded people excited about the causes we represent. To engage them, we’ve learned a few practices for better conversations. Here are three of the tips that have helped us keep the dialogue going as we use our voices for good:
- Ask Questions and Focus on Them: During our Universal Events outreach, we strive to learn as much as possible about the people with whom we’re speaking. We ask questions to gather information about what matters to them. We listen closely to understand their unique values, particularly those that align with the causes we’re promoting. This practice allows us to gear our messages so that they’re more meaningful to each person we meet.
- Compliments Work: If we find a sincere opportunity to pay someone a compliment, we take it. People appreciate when others notice something about them, like that they asked a thoughtful question.
- Keep It Light: As we’ve discussed during our Universal Events meetings, audiences tend to be drawn into conversations based on mutual interests. Neutral topics like the weather, the location we’re in, or something that connects us in the moment can spark a longer dialogue. Once people start talking, this leads to finding other common ground. We make sure we have ice breakers ready to go.
It’s an art to know how to connect with other people. Like us on Facebook and share your favorite ways to start a lasting conversation with someone you just met.