More Than A Toy Story: Universal Events Inc. Spreads Love Year Round

The holiday season is a celebration of the spirit of giving, sharing and spreading light and happiness – especially to those who have less.
But for Universal Events Inc., it’s part of our year-round mission, so we thought we would take a moment to reflect on how fortunate we are to be able to give back to the community, without which our organization and purpose would simply not exist.
Here are some of the initiatives we’re proud to have been part of over the past year:
Annual Toy Drive: A Tradition of Joyful Giving
Always aiming to find ways to serve, Universal Events CEO Harmony Vallejo’s favorite campaign of the year might be the annual kids’ toy drive. The event kicked off November 6 last year at the company’s headquarters in Pleasanton, California and was a resounding success.
The event, according to Harmony, reflects the “power of collective efforts to create position change,” which is at the heart of Universal’s core values, and which it spreads through its work with nonprofit organizations by empowering their success.
The annual toy drive, which seeks to aid vulnerable groups such as children during the holidays by providing them gifts they would not otherwise receive, is just part of the company’s year-round charitable efforts.
Philanthropic Contributions Year Round: Making a Lasting Impact
Besides the annual toy drive, Universal Events Inc. closed out 2022 by providing a substantial gift for Tilly’s Life Center. The company donated $15,000 to assist students participating in the “I Am Me” Social Emotional Learning Program by TLC. The Stars and Stripes Children’s Foundation matched the gift, bringing the total donation to $30,000.
Other community Initiatives backed by Universal Events Inc:
- The Foster Care Program: The CARE Program (Community-based Advocacy for Resources and Education) of East Bay Children’s Law Office is a cause Universal is proud to support. The program delivers legal advocacy and support for foster youth from age 0 to 21. The CARE Program provides education advocacy, supports youth in legal predicaments and is vigilant on behalf of the youngest and most vulnerable.
- Back-to-School Drives: Universal Events Inc. understands the hardships that families undergo at the best of times, and especially on the heels of the pandemic and a period of high inflation for food and necessities. The organization provides school supplies for children of elementary to secondary school age, including clothing, backpacks, arts and crafts materials, books and technology items.
- Winter Kit Drives: Winter is one of the most important seasons for Universal Events when it comes to community outreach. The organization provides Winter Kits which contain hats, gloves, socks, scarves and emergency blankets.
- Natural Disaster Relief: Universal Events also knows the perils that communities across various parts of the world have undergone due to natural disasters, and so it uses its platform as a force for good by mobilizing resources and supporting families hit by hurricanes, wildfire, and more.
Universal Events is proud to continue to pursue its mission on a number of fronts, from supporting its nonprofit partners and their respective communities to doing its part in giving to the most vulnerable in society as part of a year-round campaign.