Universal Events’ Game-Changing Interview Tips

When you’re up for a coveted new job, the last thing you want to do is go through the motions and be remembered as just another candidate. Universal Events associates have a few innovative tips that will help you make a lasting positive impression and stand out in your interviewer’s memory.
The first thing you must do is get the interview off to a memorable start with some interesting conversation. You don’t have to just follow the hiring manager into the interview room and silently wait for instruction; offer an icebreaker to get things going in a natural and engaging direction. Our Universal Events team suggests checking out your interviewer’s LinkedIn page for some ideas on what to talk about and how to best engage the person on the other side of the table.
Once you get the conversation off to a good start, we suggest trying to find out where your potential employer is hurting and the need that has brought you into their doors in the first place. You should do this carefully, of course, and you can start by asking some clarifying questions based on what the job listing says.
When you broach the subject of a company’s needs, you have your opening to share details on how you have helped with such matters in the past. Be sure to prepare for this by practicing your story in the mirror before the interview, because you want to be ready to wow the person across the table from you.
We at Universal Events hope you will keep these tips in mind the next time you are up for a great new job.