Universal Events Helps You Stay Motivated

Somewhere along the way toward achieving your highest career aspirations, you will surely encounter some criticism. Most of it will come with good intentions, but that doesn’t make it any easier to take. We at Universal Events have a few tips that will help you deal with it and stay motivated to keep chasing your ambitious targets.
The first thing you have to do is remind yourself that you are pursuing ambitious goals for the best reasons. Think about the clear objective you created with your core values in mind. That should be enough to get back on the productive path.
It’s also a good idea to hold back a bit on announcing your intentions to the world, especially if you know that harsh criticism will be tough for you to accept. Our Universal Events leaders recommend waiting until you have a well-designed plan in place before you tell your friends and colleagues about the lofty outcome you hope to achieve.
You can also seek the counsel of people who have already accomplished goals similar to yours. This will give you extra inspiration to overcome any critiques you might receive, and it gives you someone on which to model your behavior going forward.
We hope you will apply these suggestions from the Universal Events leadership team the next time you are greeted with deflating criticism.