Universal Events Highlights Things That Impact Motivation More Than You’d Think

People don’t just want money from their jobs; they’re also looking for a greater sense of purpose. At Universal Events, we recognize that professionals need intrinsic motivation (such as a desire to be better at something) just as much as they need financial rewards and other perks. Here are a few elements of intrinsic motivation, as well as how you can appeal to them: • Autonomy: This is basically the desire people have to direct their own lives. By avoiding micromanagement and allowing your workers to take on projects that interest them, you can give them a greater sense of autonomy and subsequently inspire better results. • Mastery: Everyone wants to be better at something, and that’s the desire this type of motivation exploits. If you let your team members experiment frequently and test your assumptions about what they should be doing, you’ll allow them to figure out what they really want to improve. • Purpose: This is a huge buzzword for millennials and younger professionals in general. It basically just means that they want to feel like they’re part of something bigger than themselves. You can tap into this motivator by arranging community giveback events, frequently emphasizing the larger mission of your company, and reminding your team why they do what they do. These things may not be the first to come to your mind when you think about professional motivation, but you would be well served to consider them top priorities. We at Universal Events encourage you to embrace them wholeheartedly.