Universal Events, Inc., is Tapping Into Our Inner Geniuses

The team at Universal Events, Inc., is working this month on tapping into our inner geniuses. Everyone is born with an exceptional talent, it is up to us as we develop into business people to tap into that inner power. “In Malcolm Gladwell’s book Outliers, he draws the same conclusion building the case that greatness is not about luck but rather effort,” (Garnett, “Here’s How To Tap Into Your Inner Genius”). Our team is constructing a game plan in order to learn more about ourselves and what we are capable of. In the book, he points out the true focus and the determination to play a greater role in achieving our inner genius. The first challenge is seeing your talent. We all have a certain aspect to us and how to harness our best talent is key. The second knows how to value the talent. Understanding our talent is one thing but vaulting it is another. Universal Events, Inc., is focusing all of our efforts this month on understanding, using and valuing our inner genius. Read the Full Article Here