Universal Events, Inc. Presents Honest Ways to Trick Yourself Into Remembering

Like everyone else, the team at Universal Events, Inc. likes to think they have good memories. However, research shows that people forget 90% of what they learn right after they learn it. Your brain has to sift through all the data it encounters and make immediate decisions about what information is retained and what is unnecessary. Here are some strategies to help you make sure the important stuff stays. First, find a motivation for learning the subject material. It has to be a personally relevant reason; your brain will know if you are faking. This is a crucial step toward concentration, which works best when it is the result of natural interest. True concentration uses tremendous energy, and this energy use is a signal to your brain that whatever you’re focusing on is important enough to remember. Next, remember that your whole body is engaged in the learning process. Take breaks while studying to stretch your limbs and move oxygen through your body. Also, the amount of sleep you get will dramatically impact your ability to retain information, so make sure to get enough sleep. Studies show that the best time to retain or review information is right before bed and first thing upon waking anyway, so your bed might actually be the most powerful memorization tool at your disposal. Finally, it’s important to realize that reading and listening are not the only or even the best ways to absorb knowledge. Making mistakes is actually the most effective way to remember something, so find consequence-free ways to do so, like flash cards. As busy professionals we are all exposed to tremendous amounts of information. Use these strategies to help yourself remember the things that matter.