How Universal Events Leaders Give Self-Confidence Away

There is a great old saying: “You cannot give what you do not have.” You could easily read this and assume it is speaking only of material possessions, but Universal Events leaders like to take it a step further. You cannot believe in others, for example, unless you have some belief in yourself.
Understanding this principle can save you a lot of frustration, but only after it leads you to a very important question: how do I start believing in myself, so that I can believe in others? Our Universal Events high achievers like to use this three-step process to develop self-confidence, and we’re sure it will work for you as well.
First, you must become aware of any self-limiting or negative assumptions that are holding you back. Many of us set aside ten minutes every day for quiet meditation, but if you’re not there yet, commit to keeping a little pad of paper handy so you can jot down each time you come across a thought that keeps you down.
Then, make a conscious effort to choose a more affirming belief whenever you encounter a limiting one. Yell at yourself in the mirror if you must, but don’t let negative thoughts go unchecked!
Finally, once you’ve mastered your own mental pathways, you are ready to coach others on how to believe in themselves. Pay attention to their words, gently remind them when they voice a negative belief, and help them turn it around.
Universal Events’ associates hope you will use this three-step system to transform not only your own life, but the lives of everyone around you as well.