Universal Events on Making a Steller First Impression

Leaders at Universal Events know that when you enter a meeting or networking session you want to set yourself apart from the crowd. These strategies are underrepresented in the media and for that reason could help you to level up:
- Add Value to Each Interaction: When encountering prospective partners and customers, reflect on how to enhance the interactions in novel ways. Universal Events associates encourage you to consider how you can be an asset. Whether there is a topic about which you are an expert or you have a unique perspective, highlight it in order to stand out.
- Dare to Ask the Real Questions: Anyone can discuss harmless topics and make casual small talk; instead, try to be bold, raising serious questions about which problems are stressing out the team. How are your contacts working to solve them? What have been their biggest business wins this past year? Universal Events executives have found this strategy to win associate’s newfound respect.
- Work With What Is Already on People’s Minds: Before entering that conference room, consider what might be the current events of the day. Was there recently a transition in the company? Is there a trend that everyone is discussing? How can you leverage that buzz and incorporate yourself into their mind-set? You want them to exit the meeting associating you with the topics they’ve been thinking about.
We at Universal Events have discovered these tactics for interactions and are convinced they provide successful outcomes. Use them and you will encounter new allies and contacts who are jumping at the chance to work with you.