Universal Events on Jumpstarting Productivity

In spite of all the productivity hacks that are available on the Internet, it can still be difficult to get things done. The next time you really need to accomplish something and can’t seem to find the needed motivation, we at Universal Events recommend trying the following app-based strategies. Humiliating yourself in public may not seem like a desirable method, but the Universal Events team reminds you that it can really work when it comes to accomplishing important tasks. Sometimes, you aren’t enough of an authority to force yourself to follow through on your obligations. An app called BetterMe allows you to blackmail yourself into boosted productivity. Each time you fail to complete an action you’ve scheduled through the app, it will post an embarrassing update on your Facebook page. There are some other innovative apps that can aid you in getting your work done. If you’re a Mac user, SelfControl is a very helpful app for avoiding websites that siphon your productivity. It allows you to add sites to a blacklist and block access to them for anywhere from 15 minutes to 24 hours. There’s no way to undo this action – even restarting your computer won’t shut down the app. Non-Mac users can utilize the StayFocusd extension offered by Google Chrome. This doesn’t completely block you from distracting sites; it just reduces the time you spend on them. You can set the number of minutes or hours that you can use certain sites in a day. We at Universal Events recommend giving these productivity-boosting apps a try.