Universal Events on Patriotic Giving

We make giving back to good causes a key Universal Events pursuit. Our leaders are always looking for unique chances to make our community a better place to live. Any chance to combine patriotism with philanthropy is one we feel good about, and we recently discovered a few we would like to share.
Our national parks are some of America’s greatest treasures, and the National Park Foundation works to preserve these assets. You can volunteer your time and make financial contributions to the foundation to make sure our nature preserves, monuments, and historical trails are here for our children and grandchildren to enjoy.
We at Universal Events also believe in supporting our veterans, and there are many groups that serve their needs. There are 21 million veterans in the United States, and many have returned from Iraq and Afghanistan over the past decade to face health problems and employment struggles. We advise you to explore the many charities that assist veterans with the challenges they face.
Arts education in American schools is another cause our Universal Events team supports wholeheartedly. We suggest starting in your local school system and doing whatever you can to make sure our shared culture is as strong as it can be.
We hope you will consider giving your time and energy to these patriotic causes. They help make our country and the world at large better places to live.