Universal Events: Preparing for Interviews Like a Pro

We at Universal Events have the following tips to guarantee that you go into your interview on the best possible footing. These are the simplest of ideas but we are positive they will catapult you to success:
- Start Off Your Day With Exercise: Visiting the gym the morning of your interview will energize you and elevate your mood. Universal Events associates are confident that you’ll be more relaxed and will convey enthusiasm and engagement after a good workout.
- Arrive Early to Get in the Zone: Try to get inside the building about 15 to 20 minutes early, in order to cool down from outside humidity. You’ll have the opportunity to use the restroom where you can wash your hands and fix your hair or makeup. We at Universal Events recommend waiting out in the lobby to get yourself into the zone through breathing and getting your papers in order. Consider it like a pre-game ritual.
- Bring Your Own Water: Don’t expect there to be a café, store, or cafeteria nearby, nor should you expect your interviewer to offer you water. Bring your own, because even if you think you are not thirsty, nerves have a way of drying out the throat (and you don’t want your voice to sound thin and parched).
Similar to an athlete with their routine before a big game, these are fantastic ways to become centered and build focus. Universal Events associates recommend building your own pre-game plan