Universal Events Presents Quick Resume-Boosting Techniques

Every resume needs a good overhaul now and then. If you’re really thorough, the process can take hours. Our team members at Universal Events understand that you may not always have that kind of time, however. Fortunately, there are some quick improvements you can make for maximum impact. • Change the File Name: Make life easier for recruiters by naming your resume, [First Name] [Last Name] Resume. • Check the Language: Review the use of verbs and adjectives in the document. Replace buzzwords and other boring language and replace with interesting, vibrant alternatives. • Remove Mention of References: Some job hunters note on their resumes that they will provide references upon request. This is unnecessary; if a hiring manager wants references, he or she will ask. • Check Your Hyperlinks: It’s advisable to include your LinkedIn and other relevant social media handles. Be sure, however, that you hyperlink them and that they work. This goes for your email address as well. • Change Your Font: When it comes to font, your resume is not the place to get fancy. Stick with something legible, such as Arial, Times New Roman, or Helvetica. • Ask for Opinions: Ask others to review your resume – including people who don’t know you well. Ask for their opinions, and if they’ll let you review theirs for purposes of comparison. Hiring managers are typically bombarded with resumes for every position they’re trying to fill. If you hope to land an interview, your resume must shine above the competition. Take these suggestions from Universal Events to give it the touch-ups it needs to stand out from the crowd.