Universal Events Promotes Positive Work Habits

Our team at Universal Events has observed that being successful is a process. It is the result of executing positive habits over an extended period of time. Which routines will help you perform at your optimal level of productivity? Our team of experts at Universal Events has a few suggestions to get you started: • Silence Your Phone: Turn off the alert notification on your cell phone. The relentless interruptions cut into your concentration, which affect your productivity. You’ll get much more accomplished when you aren’t checking your email every 15 seconds! • Organize Your Work: When your desk and your computer files are organized, you will have a much better chance of working productively. In addition, your colleagues will view you as someone who has things under control. • Work in Short Bursts: Research shows that people are most productive when they work within brief time spans. Decide what your ideal time period is, which should range from 20 to 55 minutes. Then go outside and take a break for five to 10 minutes. When you return, you will be ready to get back to work. • Be Positive: Smile. Successful people are positive people. Even if you aren’t feeling very optimistic at the time, smiling will help lift your spirits, and it will influence others as well. At Universal Events, we understand that excellence is not a single act – it is a long-term project. Think about how you can incorporate these positive behaviors into your work day. You will be amazed at how they effectively influence your journey toward success.