Universal Events Recognizes Top Fundraisers

The leadership team at Universal Events is always proud to recognize top performers. “We know we wouldn’t be where we are without the dedicated efforts of our talented associates,” stated Harmony, the firm’s CEO. With our recent growth and stellar results, we have had plenty of chances to highlight our ambitious professionals.”
Universal Events’ fundraisers of the month are those who raise the most donations in the course of a given month. Harmony stated, “It’s a pretty simple concept, and it gives our team members a clear goal to pursue every 30 days. The people behind the causes we promote are very happy to know that we challenge our associates in this way, and it has become a prestigious honor within our organization.” Our CEO looks forward to making the announcement of who the fundraiser of the month is every time the calendar changes.
Some members of our Universal Events team have earned the fundraiser of the month award multiple times. Harmony stated, “Eric has been fundraiser of the month twice, while Kaite has received the designation almost more times than I can count. I believe she has won at least five times, which speaks to her commitment and resolve.”
Harmony and the rest of the Universal Events leadership group are already looking forward to announcing next month’s top fundraiser. Our CEO concluded, “I never get tired of putting our highest achievers in the spotlight.”