Universal Events Shares Effective Productivity Hacks

In the world of business, it’s all about hustle. We’re fully aware of this at Universal Events, which is why we try all sorts of strategies to enhance our productivity. Despite the countless apps and other tech tools that are available to aid performance, we find the more simplistic techniques to be most effective. • Do the Toughest Work First: Your brain is sharpest in the first few hours after waking. Our team members at Universal Events encourage you to use that time to tackle your most challenging responsibilities. Not only will you feel a tremendous sense of relief after it’s finished, but you’ll have built some momentum to get you through the day. • Set Boundaries: As much as you might enjoy pleasing others, it’s nearly impossible to do so while also achieving your goals. It’s vital that you set boundaries in order to stay on track. For instance, politely decline a request to manage another account if you’re already overwhelmed with what’s on your plate. • Do One Thing at a Time: There is no shortage of research indicating that multitasking hinders productivity. When you shift between tasks, you constantly force your brain to refocus. It requires more time and energy than you may realize, so complete one task before moving on to the next. At Universal Events, we hope you use these proven strategies to enhance your performance at the office.