Universal Events’ Tips for Managing Millennials

There are quite a few millennials on our Universal Events team, and we are grateful for their diverse perspectives and talents. We also know that these driven young professionals have unique expectations when it comes to the workplace. Our leaders have a few tips to share on effectively managing millennials and guiding them to great results:
- Provide Balance: Young professionals want a solid work/life balance in any job, and we at Universal Events believe you must provide it however possible. We give our associates time to pursue outside interests, and we also help them contribute to causes about which they are passionate. By reducing boundaries between work and outside passions, we have built a more engaged and loyal team.
- Offer Flexibility: Millennials also cherish flexibility in their work schedules, and you need to find ways to allow it. Whether they are most productive at night or simply want the freedom to work from home sometimes, help your younger team members perform at their best.
- Give Feedback: More than their older colleagues, your young colleagues also want in-depth feedback on a regular basis. Be sure to provide them with regular progress reports so they know where and how to make improvements.
Our Universal Events leaders have found these strategies very helpful in getting the best out of our millennial team members. We hope you will use them to your organization’s advantage as well.