Universal Events Wants You to Be Prepared for Your Next Interview

As you get ready for your upcoming job interview, have you considered how you will present yourself? At Universal Events, we want you to demonstrate that you are a professional, likable candidate. Here are some ideas to consider: • Don’t Memorize: Be prepared for your interview, but don’t memorize every question that might be asked. You need to come across as your genuine self, not someone who is parroting data back to an interviewer. To add more of a human touch, answer questions in the context of how you personally solved a similar problem in the past. • Be Engaged: Make sure you come across as interested and authentic. As you provide your responses, demonstrate that you are engaged in the conversation and impassioned by what you observe. Ask questions to show your level of interest in the company, its work environment, and the position. • Take a Pause: Silence is golden. Don’t feel the need to chatter between questions. It’s always better to pause and reflect on an answer rather than talk aimlessly while trying to think of the right response. It is perfectly reasonable to ask for clarification if you need it. • Rehearse: Before the big day, sit down with a trusted colleague or friend to review some of the questions you think might arise. Ask for feedback about your use of eye contact, the types of questions you ask, and your body language. When you are properly prepared for your interview, you will be more confident. Your self-assurance will allow you to be more authentic, which will give the interviewer the opportunity to see the true you.