Celebrating Harmony’s Bundle of Joy

Recognizing our people’s achievements is a core Universal Events value. Our President, Harmony, recently had a big success of her own. She gave birth to a baby girl named Valentina, and we welcome her as the newest member of our team.
Both professional and personal growth are worthy of being highlighted in the Universal Events world. That’s a big part of what makes our firm a great destination for jobseekers. We are rewarded with higher levels of responsibility as we sharpen our skill sets, but we also celebrate personal milestones together.
It doesn’t have to be a work achievement that brings us together. As with Harmony’s joyous announcement, we also gather to celebrate our personal triumphs. Whether we have dinner as a team, get together at someone’s house, or simply have a small party in the office, we grow closer on a personal level in the process.
We also unite our team through development. The Universal Events training program is immersive. We give all new hires and interns the hands-on experience they need to thrive in our industry. We also bring associates together for internal seminars and other training sessions. There’s something about learning as a team that helps new information take hold faster.
Harmony’s baby girl is just the latest bit of good news worth celebrating around our office. Like us on Facebook for more on our accomplishments and team-building efforts.