Universal Events Details a Formula for Answering a Popular Interview Question

You’ve probably experienced this before: you sit down to an interview for your dream job. You’ve researched the company, dressed impeccably, mastered all the necessary social skills, and planned some basic answers to common questions. What you may not have anticipated, however, is to face one of the most popular of them all. Your interviewer says, “Tell me about yourself.” We at Universal Events understand that this is a really basic, simplistic request. It’s so open-ended, however, that there is great potential for disaster. You must impart the right type and amount of information to build rapport and demonstrate that you have what it takes to do the job well. This is a lot to consider, but don’t worry. We’ve recently learned about a convenient formula you can employ to produce the perfect response. Instead of sharing the story of your life or reciting your resume verbatim, think present-past-future. Begin with where you are currently, and then touch on relevant skills and experiences you’ve gained in the past, followed by an explanation of what you would like to accomplish with the company in the future. When faced with this request, you can say, “Well, right now I’m a project manager at ABC Consulting. In my role, I oversee a large group of professionals and delegate tasks to ensure that we efficiently produce flawless results for the businesses we serve. Previously, I worked as a trainer to prepare young professionals to wield the most innovative advertising solutions. I’d really like to take my career to the next level, which is why this opportunity is perfect for me.” Our colleagues at Universal Events encourage you to use this formula to prepare your response to the challenging request mentioned here.