Universal Events, Inc Accounts for Superior Productivity

Our team members at Universal Events, Inc endeavor to become more productive in every way we can. We certainly aren’t alone in this desire. Nearly everyone wants to make the most of their limited time. After all, we all only have 24 hours in each day. Even though there is an enormous amount of productivity advice available, it is still difficult to feel like time is being used as efficiently as possible. To address this, we have found a new way of looking at productivity. This isn’t a trick for saving time or being more efficient; instead it is a way to organize your efforts at being productive. Essentially, it is looking at productivity from the perspective of an accountant. In this system there are two types of activities: time assets and time debts. Time assets are the types of activities in which you invest in saving time later. For example, implementing an automated scheduling system for your team would be a time asset. On the other hand, a time debt is any activity that is only costing your time. For example, answering emails is a time debt because it is not an investment in your future productivity. Naturally, we all have to deal with some time debts. However, the goal of this system is to minimize them while maximizing time assets. More than anything else, however, it is simply a framework from which to examine your activity to see where you are saving time and where you are losing it. This system has worked wonders for us at Universal Events, Inc. Consider trying it yourself to fine tune your productivity-enhancing efforts.