Universal Events Offers Confidence Boosters

At Universal Events, we understand that the way you feel about yourself makes a huge difference in all areas of your life. The more confident you are, the more likely you are to succeed in your career, solve difficult problems, and avoid being stressed out. You’ll also have healthier relationships in your personal life. One strategy you can apply to effectively boost your confidence in as little as a minute involves adopting a different posture. So-called power poses will increase testosterone (the power hormone) and decrease cortisol (the stress hormone). Those hormonal variances will make you more relaxed and more willing to take risks, so they are directly tied to confidence. The Wonder Woman pose involves standing with your feet hip-width apart and putting your hands on your hips. The Man Spread pose is defined by sitting with your knees splayed and one arm resting on the back of a chair next to you. We at Universal Events suggest striking these poses when you’re preparing yourself to give a big presentation. Listening to music can also lead to enhanced confidence. You just have to make sure that you’re listening to high-power songs that feature heavy amounts of bass. Trebly songs simply don’t have the same ability to make you feel stronger and more assured. Our team at Universal Events recommends using posture and the power of music to give yourself a quick confidence boost.