Universal Events’ Tips for Inspiring Millennials

We have quite a few talented millennials on our team here at Universal Events, and we can verify that their reputation for being lazy is unfounded. Younger professionals simply need different types of motivation from their elder colleagues. We would like to offer a few strategies that will help you get the best performances from your millennial team members. The first thing you must do is allow your millennials added flexibility in their work schedules. Members of Gen Y have come to expect a solid work/life balance, so we at Universal Events believe you should help accommodate your younger associates in this way. It may mean that you need to provide a bit more guidance, but you will notice greater productivity as a result. You also need to stress professional development and advancement if you expect your millennial team members to thrive. If you show that you care about skill building and give your people plenty of opportunities to sharpen their talents, they will reward you with greater loyalty. Also, be sure to offer your young workers clear pathways to advancement. They will respond by working hard to achieve ambitious goals. Another good way to motivate millennials is to allow them to use their personal tech devices in the office. Gen Y professionals are very attached to their phones, tablets, and laptops, so set some ground rules and let them make good use of their cherished devices. We at Universal Events hope you will keep these points in mind as you guide your younger team members to great successes.